One of the sine qua non of dental treatment stands out as preventive and preventive treatments. Our work in this area is shaped to protect oral and dental health. We evaluate the protection of heavy and dental health, which we see as one of the important links of health, under two main headings. The first and most important of these are the treatments we apply before a health problem occurs or at the initial stage. We get much more effective results when the patient comes to us before oral and dental problems occur or grow. The second stage is a much more painful process. This is when the patient comes to the dental clinic when irreversible problems occur in his mouth and teeth, which is an undesirable result.
What Are Preventive And Preventive Treatments?
Our expert physician staff serves to protect your oral and dental health. Oral and dental health problems, which we consider as one of the cornerstones of health, bring with them much bigger problems if they are not treated on time. In the protection of oral and dental health, the patient has duties as much as us physicians. Proper hygiene practices in a small period of time will show their importance as age progresses and you will have healthy teeth for a lifetime.
In this process, the advice we give to our patients or clients should be taken into consideration. Our priority in preventive treatment is to ensure regular tooth brushing. This is a habit that should be acquired from an early age. Brushing your teeth twice a day, in addition to using dental floss, will prevent the formation of bacteria on the teeth.
Protective And Preventive Orthodontic Treatment
Protective and preventive treatments at young ages are extremely important for a healthy oral and dental health. This is a fact that enters our lives with the formation of teeth. The child’s tooth formation should be closely monitored. With continuous and frequent controls, we can ensure the healthy development of the child’s mouth and teeth. Interventions made during regular check-ups are aimed at preserving the child’s jaw structure. In this process, we control the correct eruption of the teeth, and we have the opportunity to immediately intervene in the cavities that may occur even at a young age. In cases where milk teeth need to be extracted, we use all our resources to ensure that the posterior tooth can be replaced in a healthy way. We contribute to the formation of a smooth tooth structure by preventing the slipping of other teeth, thanks to placeholders in early loss of primary teeth.
Regular dental control is absolutely necessary for preventive and preventive treatments. We recommend our patients to apply to our institution at least twice a year and have their teeth scanned. Thanks to these controls, we can identify potential problems at an early stage and eliminate the problem before it grows.
Preventive And Preventive Treatments
If the protective and preventive treatments have not yielded results and a problem has arisen in the tooth, root canal treatment and composite filling come to the fore among the methods we apply to protect the tooth. Root canal treatment is accepted as one step before the tooth loss process. After the tooth and its surroundings are anesthetized with local anesthesia, the tooth decay is cleaned, then the root canals are opened and the pulp tissue inside is completely removed. The process of disinfecting the root canals takes the process of filling the canals. We offer different options in our institution as filling methods. Composite filling is one of the most used methods.
This is an issue that is extremely important in terms of oral health and that everyone should pay close attention to. If you want to get detailed information about the preventive and preventive treatments, including tartar cleaning, night plaque and whitening, to eliminate the question marks in your mind about the treatment process and to learn about the possible costs of this treatment process, we invite you to our institution.